Thursday, October 6, 2011

Filming My New Music Video From a Helicopter

So we've been trying to put together a music video as a tribute to my dad. I wr
ote an arrangement to Amazing Grace a few days after my dad passed away this summer and then recorded it a few weeks after the funeral.

It was a really emotional experience and the song turned out great. In order to pay tribute to my dad and have something that will really amazing to share with others, we've decided to go all out in producing a music video for this song.

My dad worked for the Forest Service for over 35 years and spent over 20 years in the Ogden, Wasatch Cache National forest. So for the music video, we wanted to film part of it out in the forest. However, the weather has been less than cooperative. Each day we've tried to film, we've had crazy weather. It decided to rain when we were going to film and now we have snow on the mountain peaks and it is only October 5th.

We caught a window of opportunity right before the storm came in on Tuesday though.

The plan was to have the piano placed in a meadow and then fly in with a helicopter and get footage from above. We still may do that, but we went out on Tuesday night and took a ride in the helicopter to film the mountains around Ogden. We'll use some of these images and a lot of video footage from this on the final music video. We decided that if we were going to do a music video, we were going to do it right. It will be out soon and I can't wait to share it with everyone.

Until then, here are a few photos that Eric Meyers took during the helicopter flight during the

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